How to create a web hosting account

This feature is essential for web hosting, as it allows you to create new cPanel accounts.

Your interface may differ slightly from what is documented here. You may not have access to certain options, depending on what type of WHM user you are and how your account is configured. If you require access to a feature or option we have listed here, you will need to contact your system's administrator to request access to the feature.

note Note: You must choose a username of 8 characters or less.


  • Define the Domain Information — This feature defines basic settings for a user’s account.
  • Assign a Package — This section of the interface allows you to assign a package to a new account.
  • Define the Account's Settings — These options are located under the Settings heading. You will need to know the requirements of the account before continuing.
  • Assign the Account Reseller Status — Resellers sell cPanel accounts that can also be hosted on your server. These accounts created by the reseller will be owned by the reseller, and the reseller will be able to modify these accounts via his or her own WHM interface.
  • Configure the DNS Settings — These settings configure which nameservers will be used for the new account’s domain.
  • Mail Routing Settings — This section of the Create a New Account interface allows you to specify how mail should be routed for the new domain.
  • Accessing cPanel Services — This document explains how users can access the cPanel, WHM, and webmail services. Once you have created an account, you can direct the new users and resellers to this document.
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