
 Accessing cPanel

  Accessing cPanel For cPanel version 11.30 To access cPanel: Type: https://IP:2083...

 Free PHP Script Library Included in Hosting

  WebApp/Script List (INSTANTLY ACTIVATE these web programs/scripts from your control panel)...

 How do I access cPanel?

cPanel can be accessed by using either of the URLs below:

 How do I find my MySQL version?

Login to cPanel In the "Stats" section on the left, locate the row labeled "MySQL Version"....

 How do I find my PHP version?

Login to cPanel. In the "Stats" section on the right, located the row labeled "PHP version"....

 What do my cPanel stats mean?

Within cPanel, there are numerous statistics listed on the left of the screen.   Main...

 cPanel Glossary

  Glossary of terms and features related to your website. Account: A record for accessing...

 Get help from within cPanel

Most help files are located inside your cPanel control panel and kept up to date as cPanel...

 cPanel User Guide

  cPanel User Guide For cPanel version 11.30 This documentation describes the features of...

 Login SSL certificate warnings

  When visiting cPanel, or WHM you will notice an warning page. This is due to the fact that...


  The following documents describe the features in the cPanel Logs area.   Latest...

 Deleted files but cPanel didn't reflect the change in quota

cPanel quotas aren't updated in real time. If you delete a large file, or a number of files that...