Monthly Plan
- 120GB Storage Space
- 1GB RAM – 2GB Burstable RAM
- 2 IP Addresses
- 300GB Monthly Bandwidth
- 24/7 Support
Monthly Plan
- 240GB Storage Space
- 2GB RAM – 4GB Burstable RAM
- 4 IP Addresses
- 600GB Monthly Bandwidth
- 24/7 Support
Starting at $24.95/mo. our VPS plans are the lowest cost, most feature packed service that you will find anywhere.
Although designed to exceed just about any VPS hosting requirement (up to 200,000 page views a day on plan 1), if the plans above don’t match your exact needs contact us to set up a custom plan.
VPS Hosting Advantages:
- One key advantage of using a VPS instead of a shared server is that you will get root access to the operating system and complete control over your system.
- VPS hosting gives you peace of mind knowing that there are no users on the system that could cause problems with your website.
- VPS Hosting also allows for custom configurations and installations, because it gives you full root access to the virtual server. This is feasible because you are the sole owner of the VPS.
- Your email on your VPS will be delivered from your own allocated IP address and your own email server, eliminating the possibility that another user on a shared server will put your email into a blacklist.
- VPS systems are set up on top of the line server equipment using Intel Xeon enterprise grade processors, motherboards, ECC RAM, and high speed mirrored hard drives using RAID 1. Uptime is measured in years!